2100 of the most recent and accurate exam-style questions with all answers and exam topics thoroughly explained. Glossary of 700 real Estate Words & Phrases Included.
Timed exams. Create as many practice exams as you like, and you specify the number of questions and the length of time for each exam.
Nearly 100 tips on how to pass your exam, including math shortcuts, trick questions and frequently asked questions.
2100 of the most recent and accurate exam-style questions with all answers and exam topics thoroughly explained. Glossary of 700 real Estate Words & Phrases Included.
Timed exams. Create as many practice exams as you like, and you specify the number of questions and the length of time for each exam.
Nearly 100 tips on how to pass your exam, including math shortcuts, trick questions and frequently asked questions.
Because real estate vocabulary is such an important part of the exam, this powerful app includes a glossary of 700 real estate terms and phrases, indexed and searchable, with complete definitions for easy lookup of any unfamiliar terms.