<% On Error Resume Next PageTitle="Checkout Page" ThisPage="Check_Out" SQLVerboseMode=False TestMode=TrueX %> <% If Session("SessShowLeftMenu")<>"" Then ShowLeftMenu=Session("SessShowLeftMenu") Else ShowLeftMenu=True End If RowPadLoop=8 %> <% Function LimitQtyTo1Ck(ItemRef) FoundIt=False PrefixStr="3,5,9" If InStr(1,PrefixStr,Mid(ItemRef,1,1)) > 0 Then LimitQtyStr="01,01a,01b,02a,02b,03a,03b,04a,04b,05a,05b" ItemRefCk=Mid(ItemRef,4) 'ie the last part of 30001b = 01b If InStr(1,LimitQtyStr,ItemRefCk) > 0 Then FoundIt=True End If End If LimitItems="80001a,80011a,80021a,80022b,80002a,80012a,80003a,80013a" If InStr(1,NewLimitItems,ItemRef) > 0 Then FoundIt=True End If LimitItems="1225-90,1222-90,1226-90,1223-90,1224-90,1227-90,1228-90,1118-89,8888-a,8887-a" If InStr(1,NewLimitItems,ItemRef) > 0 Then FoundIt=True End If LimitItems="8771-a,8772-a,8773-a,8774-a,8775-a,8776-a,8777-a,8778-a" If InStr(1,NewLimitItems,ItemRef) > 0 Then FoundIt=True End If LimitQtyTo1Ck = FoundIt End Function mvCustID=Session("EPCCustomerID") Today=CDate(Date()) CustomerID=Session("EPCCustomerID") FName=SESSION("SessFName") PromoCode=Session("SessPromoCode") PromoName=Session("SessPromoEntry") 'ThisPage="check_out" ShopFromPage=Session("SessShopFromPage") If ShopFromPage="" Then ShopFromPage="Package.asp" End If Session("CPg")=ThisPage BkColor = Session("EPCBkGrndColor") EPCURL = Session("strEPCURL") iCount = Session("EPCItemCount") ARYshoppingcart = Session("EPCMyShoppingCart") ErrMsg = "" ItemRef=ReqString("ItemRef") CartCategory=ReqString("Cat") ProdClass=ReqString("Cat") bcBrowser=Session("bcBrowser") Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SessStg = Session("ConnectionString") ARYItemNo=1 ReDim ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,11) CartCtr=1 If ItemRef<>"" Then For x = 1 to InventoryCtr If ARYInventory(x,zItemNum)=ItemRef Then 'Response.Write "
" & x & ". ARYInventory(x,zItemDescription): " 'Response.Write ARYInventory(x,zItemDescription) For y = 1 to 11 ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,y) = ARYInventory(x,y) Next End If Next End If LimitQty1Str="3001,3002,3003,3004,3005,5001,5002,9001,9003,9004" 'Response.Write "0
" If ItemRef <> "" Then 'Do search to existing cart to see if ItemRef already there, if found then increment qty by 1 ItemAlreadyInCart=FALSE For i = 1 to iCount If ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)=ItemRef Then Quantity=ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i)+1 'If InStr(1,LimitQty1Str,ItemRef) > 0 Then If LimitQtyTo1Ck(ItemRef) = True Then Quantity=1 End If Quantity=abs(CLng(Quantity)) ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = Quantity ItemAlreadyInCart=TRUE Exit For End If Next 'Response.Write "1
" If ItemAlreadyInCart=FALSE Then 'Response.Write "2
" If iCount < EPCMaxShoppingCartItems Then iCount = iCount + 1 End if Session("EPCItemCount") = iCount ARYItem = Session("EPCMyARYItem") If ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zListPrice)="call" Then ErrMsg = "Sorry, Items Without Pricing Specified Can NOT Be Placed Into Shopping Cart.
" ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "Please Call (800)877-5445 for More Information" Else 'Response.Write "3
" Desc=ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zItemDescription) 'Response.Write "
Desc: " 'Response.Write Desc ARYshoppingcart(cartCHECKED,iCount) = "CHECKED" ARYshoppingcart(cartRefNo,iCount) = ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zRefNo) ARYshoppingcart(cartProductName,iCount) = ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zCategory) str1=UCASE(ProdClass) & ": " & Desc TotStr=str1 TotStr=Desc ARYshoppingcart(cartProductDescription,iCount) = TotStr ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,iCount) = 1 ARYshoppingcart(cartUnitPrice,iCount) = ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zListPrice) ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,iCount) = ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zItemNum) ARYshoppingcart(cartMinQty,iCount) = CInt(ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zMinQty)) w9=CInt(ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zMinQty)) ARYshoppingcart(cartMaxQty,iCount) = CInt(ARYCartSub(ARYItemNo,zMaxQty)) Session("EPCMyShoppingCart") = ARYshoppingcart End If End If End If OrderSubTotal = 0.00 Action2Do=ReqForm("Action") If Action2Do="Update" Then Action2Do="Recalculate" End If If Action2Do="" Then If ReqString("Action")="View" Then Action2Do="" Else If iCount > 0 Then If ItemRef="" Then 'Action2Do="Recalculate" End If End If End If End If ChkPt=Action2Do SELECT CASE Action2Do CASE "Shop for More" ChkPt="ShopForMore" For i = 1 to iCount Quantity = ReqForm("Quantity" & CStr(i)) 'If InStr(1,LimitQty1Str,ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) > 0 Then If LimitQtyTo1Ck(ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) = True Then Quantity=1 End If If IsNumeric(Quantity) Then ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = abs(CLng(Quantity)) Else ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = 1 End If Next Session("EPCMyShoppingCart") = ARYshoppingcart Response.Redirect ShopFromPage CASE "Recalculate" ChkPt="Recalculate" For i = 1 to iCount Quantity = ReqForm("Quantity" & CStr(i)) If i = 1 then QtyCk=Quantity w1=QtyCk End If 'If InStr(1,LimitQty1Str,ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) > 0 Then If LimitQtyTo1Ck(ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) = True Then Quantity=1 w2=Quantity End If If IsNumeric(Quantity) Then Quantity=Fix(Quantity) w3=Quantity MaxVal = Fix(ARYshoppingcart(cartMaxQty,i)) w4=MaxVal MinVal = Fix(ARYshoppingcart(cartMinQty,i)) w5=MinVal If Quantity <= MaxVal Then If Quantity >= MinVal Then ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = Quantity Else ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = MinVal End If Else ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = MaxVal End If Else ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = 1 End If Next For i = 1 to iCount Quantity = ReqForm("Quantity" & CStr(i)) If (ReqForm("Confirm" & CStr(i)) = "") OR (Quantity=0) Then iCount = iCount - 1 For x = 1 to UBound(ARYshoppingcart,1) ARYshoppingcart(x,i) = "" Next n = i while n < UBound(ARYshoppingcart,2) For x = 1 to UBound(ARYshoppingcart,1) ARYshoppingcart(x,n) = ARYshoppingcart(x,n + 1) ARYshoppingcart(x,n + 1) = "" Next n = n + 1 wend End If Next ChkPt="Recalculate"&QtyCk Session("EPCMyShoppingCart") = ARYshoppingcart Session("EPCItemCount") = iCount %> <% CASE "Cancel Order" ChkPt="CancelOrder" iCount = 0 Session("EPCItemCount") = iCount Response.Redirect "Package.asp" CASE "Click to Pay" ChkPt="ClickToPay" %><% Quantity = ReqForm("Quantity" & CStr(i)) 'If InStr(1,LimitQty1Str,ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) > 0 Then If LimitQtyTo1Ck(ARYshoppingcart(cartProductID,i)) = True Then Quantity=1 End If If IsNumeric(Quantity) Then If CLng(Quantity) <= ARYshoppingcart(cartMaxQty,i) Then ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = abs(CLng(Quantity)) End If Else ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i) = 1 End If Session("EPCMyShoppingCart") = ARYshoppingcart 'Store ref fields in TempOrder Table for passage to HTTPS side of house: Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open Session("RackSpaceMyEPC") 'CustomerID = Session("EPCCustomerID") If IsNull(CustomerID) Then CustomerID=0 End If imSubtotal=0 minOrderMet=FALSE For i = 1 to iCount If (ARYshoppingcart(cartUnitPrice,i)) <> "" Then imSubtotal=imSubtotal+ (ARYshoppingcart(cartUnitPrice,i) * ARYshoppingcart(cartItemQuantity,i)) End If Next If imSubtotal=0 Then Else minOrderMet=TRUE CustID=CustomerID InsertCustID=CustID %> <% Conn.Close End If If minOrderMet=FALSE Then ErrMsg2="
Minimum Order Must Be Met" Else CustomerID = CLng(Session("EPCCustomerID")) if CustomerID = 0 then ' new customer Response.Redirect "GetCustomer.asp" else ' First check to ensure that the customer was not removed from the database Conn.Open Session("RackSpaceMyEPC") Set rs = Conn.Execute( _ "select CompanyName FROM Customers where CustomerID = " & CustomerID & _ " and ContactFirstName = '" & Session("EPCCustomerFirstName") & "'") If Conn.Errors.Count > 0 Then Response.Write "
sql: " & sql & "
" SQLProcessOK = FALSE sqlErrRef=ThisPage & " 1" %> <% End If If PromoCode<>"" Then CustID=CustomerID PromoOK2Process=TRUE If PromoOK2Process=TRUE Then URL = "https://www.rels.com/secure2016/ANetshipping.asp?ShipMethod=1&PromoCode=" & PromoCode & "&CustomerID=" & Session("EPCCustomerID") Else URL = "OrderExceedsLimits.asp" End If Else URL = "https://www.rels.com/secure2016/ANETshipping.asp?ShipMethod=1&CustomerID="&Session("EPCCustomerID") End If If rs.EOF Then Session("EPCCustomerID") = -1 ' This means the user WAS in the database at one time, but isn't now URL ="GetCustomer.asp" End If rs.Close Conn.Close If TestMode Then Response.Write "Ready to Redirect to: " & URL & "
" Else Response.Redirect URL End If End If End If END SELECT %> ExamPrepCentral: Shopping Cart
<%For x = 1 to RowPadLoop Response.Write"
 " Next %>